Selecting the best possible school is an important process, and our Office of Enrollment Management is committed to making every family’s experience as personal, informative and welcoming as possible. It is our goal to provide you with everything you need to determine whether Latin is the right school for your family. Our comprehensive admissions process allows us to get to know your student and ensure that they can feel successful and happy at Latin.
We have a number of resources and extensive material on our website, so please click around to learn more about the outstanding academic and extracurricular opportunities, the devoted faculty and the welcoming community that make Latin an exceptional learning environment. Take a look at our 2021-22 Viewbook below.
Please contact our office with any questions at or 312.582.6060. We look forward to meeting you!
Best regards,
Mark Copestake
Director of Enrollment Management & Financial Aid

Notification & Event Dates
MARCH 4, 2022
Decisions sent electronically for completed applications to JK and grades 5-12 only
MARCH 9, 2022
Welcome Event for parents/guardians of students accepted to JK
Welcome Event for students accepted to grades 5-8
MARCH 8 & 10, 2022
Welcome Event for students accepted to the ninth grade
MARCH 14, 2022
Signed electronic enrollment contracts due by 9 a.m.
APRIL 15, 2022
New family contracts become binding