Recette de Mousse au Chocolat

Recette de Mousse au Chocolat

Justine describes how to make a popular French recipe, Chocolate Mousse. 



250 g de chocolat noir

6 oeufs

50 g de beurre doux

50 g de sucre

Deux bols de taille moyenne

Une casserole


1. Faire fondre le chocolat et le beurre dans une casserole

2. Dans les deux bols, séparer les jaunes d’oeufs des blancs, en gardant seulement 4 jaunes

3. Faire monter les 6 blancs d’oeufs en neige

4. Mélanger les 4 jaunes d’oeufs avec votre mixture de chocolat fondue

5. Incorporer délicatement la mixture de chocolat aux blancs de neige, en mélangeant d’une façon circulaire avec une cuillère ou une spatule

6. Continuer de mélanger en douceur

7. Metre la mousse dans des coupes ou des verres, et laisser la au frais pendant une demie-journée

-Justine Zimmerman (Junior)



Caroline Chu compares and contrasts her and her brothers(楚文安 and 楚文仁), and their personalities. 

我的弟弟们叫楚文安和楚文仁。楚文安十四岁, 上九年级。楚文仁十二岁,上六年级。我的弟弟们跟我长得很象, 但是我们的性格不太一样。


我是内向的人,但是楚文安是外向的人。他喜欢跟其他的人唱歌,跳舞, 和写书。虽然我也喜欢,但是我不要其他的人看。 我除了很安静以外, 还很严肃。一般来说,我很害羞。不过,楚文安不太害羞。他比我有点儿随和,因为他不花太多时间做功课。他也很挑剔。一方面他很懒惰也有点儿不礼貌,另一方面他很友好也比我勇敢。


楚文仁也是外向的人。 他不但非常好动而且很幽默。他比我幼稚,也比我傲慢, 因为他比我年轻。他现在不太用功。我比楚文仁勇敢。我觉得长大以后,他会是很聪明的人。楚文仁的脾气常常比楚文安的好。



-Caroline Chu (Junior)



Recette pour Crêpes

Making Crepes

Making Crepes



-de la farine
-de l’eau
-du lait
-du sel fin
-un bol de taille moyenne
-une grande pouelle
-une louche
-une spatule

1) Mesurer trois quarts d’un “cup” de farine et les verser-le dans le bol
2) Ajouter trois œufs et une pincée de sel
3) Ajouter de l’eau progressivement
4) Ajouter un quart de “cup” de lait
5) Mélanger le tout avec un batteur à œufs en évitant les grumeaux
6) Votre pâte à crêpe devrait-être liquide et légère
7) Mettre la pouelle sur un feu de temperature moyenne
8) Laisser chauffer, puis versser une louche de pâte dans la pouelle, en faisant attention qu’elle soit étalé en une couche fine et régulière
9) Après quelques secondes, tourner la crêpe sur son autre coté en utilisant une spatule
10) Votre crêpe est prete! Vous pouvez y faire fondre du beurre et du sucre ou y mettre de la confiture. Si vous êtes gourmands, mettez-y du nutella.

Crepes with chocolate and whipped cream.

Crepes with chocolate and whipped cream.

– Justine Zimmerman (Junior)

Australian Handball

 Designed by Julius Reiner this is  a logo representing a Chicago High School Australian Handball League.

Designed by Julius Reiner this is a logo representing a Chicago High School Australian Handball League.

Latin’s clubs offer many sporting opportunities to students, but few are as interesting as Australian handball. Julius Reiner first played the game when he was in middle school and, seeing the game decline in popularity, decided to form a club once he arrived at the high school. The sport traces its roots to a recess game played by students in Australia. It is an exciting sport to play. The club is small and growing and it welcomes anyone interested in learning more about Australian handball.

Cum in anno septimo eram huc in Schola Latina, Australianum manus-pilam semelem lusi. Ludum paene cotidie in recessu annum unum lusimus. Primo bonus in ludo non eram, sed ludere permansi cum iocosissimum fuerit. Paulatim, meliorum factus sum. Demum, eram bonus satis ut vincerem interdum.

Annum octavum, ludus cadere coepit. Tamen, cum mihi in schola alta petitus sit, ego et amicus meus instituere sodalicium voluimus. Scitis quod deinde evenit, etsic hodie advenimus.

Multi putant me ludum hunc fingere, sed est non verum. Per investigationem meum, didici Australianum manus-pilam deductam e recessu-ludu Austranliano appellato “deorsus-pila” vero esse.

Nunc, sodalicium est certans. Autem reverentiam mariti sumus, tamen intra decem familiares discipulos assiduum habemus. Tamen, conari ut corrigerem et expandrem
sodalicium parmaneo. Nuper torneamentum magnum conposuimus. Sodalicium definite est expandens.

Australianus manus-pila est ludus delicius; ni mihi credatis, rogate unam ex amicis multis qui ludunt. Venite ad meditamentum. Ludite paucum. Spero ut in ludo omnes vos spectem!

-Julius Reiner (Junior)


Cathédrale Notre Dame de Chartres

Cathédrale Notre Dame de Chartres

When most people think of France they think of the Eiffel Tower or a Parisian having a coffee with their newspapers outside a café. However, not many think of the beautiful stain glass cathedrals and churches that reside in France. The stain glass at the cathedral of Notre Dame in Chartres was one of the most beautiful works of art I have ever seen.


Quand un touriste pense à la France il est probable qu’il envisage la Tour Eiffel ou peut-être un Parisien qui prend un croque monsieur et un café au lait dans une brasserie. Mais après être allé à Paris depuis des anées, j’ai découvert qu’il y a beaucoup plus de choses en France que ce qu’apporte l’image touristique classique.

Mon grand père habite à Bougival, une petite ville dans la banlieue de Paris. Ses plus grandes passions sont les églises et les vitraux. Ce qui fait que quand je visite la France, il est inévitable que mon grandpère me prenne visité une église. Moi, je préférerais aller à un match du football, mais je l’accompagne de toute façonsuis allé de tout façon pour lui plaîre.

Mon grand père était, par exemple, ravi d’ammener mon frère et moi a la Cathédrale Notre Dame de Chartres. C’est là où mon frère a été baptisé et en plus, il pense que cette cathédrale est une des plus magnifique du monde.

Quand nous sommes arrivés à Chartres, le première chose qu’on pouvait voir était l’énorme cathédral. Elle est vraiment spectaculaire. La construction de l’église remonte à l’année 1194. En plus, dans la salle principale de l’église il reste 176 vitraux originaux du 12ème siècle. Toute la lumière dans la cathédrale est filtrée par la verre, ce qui lui donne une atmosphère incroyable.

J’ai visité de nombreuses églises dans ma vie (plusiers d’elles bien ennuyeuses, si je peux ajouter). Mais aucune n’était aussi extraordinaire que celle de Chartres. J’ai fini ma journée à Chartres en mangeant un croque monsieur dans un café à côté de l’église; je suppose que je suis un touriste après tout.

-Philip Demeulenaere (Junior)


Harbin Ice Festival.

Harbin Ice Festival.

Catie Rose Pate describes what she would do and where she would go if she had the opportunity to go visit China. First, she would visit Beijing because it’s the capital, then Tibet because she would like to hike up the mountains and finally Harbin where she would see the ice festivals.


-Catie Rose Pate (Junior)

Mr. Dunn on Language Study At Latin

Why learn a language?

Why learn a language?

Randall Dunn, Head of School, generously granted an interview to the Worldly Roman for this inaugural issue. During our conversation, Mr. Dunn shared his views on learning languages at Latin, the importance of helping Latin students become global citizens and what is new in the language department. Mr. Dunn told us that he is looking forward to the addition of the Worldly Roman at Latin and he extended a big “congratulations” and “kudos” to all those working on the first issue. Thank you, Merci, Gracias, Benigne Facis and 谢谢 Mr. Dunn!

Mr. Dunn started the interview by telling the Worldly Roman that when he first arrived at Latin, the language department had just changed from its traditional approach of teaching language focused on grammar to a proficiency-oriented approach. This has meant more time in the classroom working on how students actually speak the language. Mr. Dunn thinks that this new approach to language learning is the “appropriate way for kids to learn languages because it is more enduring.” Mr. Dunn fully embraced these changes by the language department, which “compliments his vision for kids having more experiential opportunities outside of the school.” Down the road, Mr. Dunn wants all students to have an opportunity to interact first hand with the culture of the language that they are studying through project week, field trips or a semester/year abroad. Mr. Dunn noted that this experience could be in a completely different country and culture or right here in Chicago where we have a great diversity of languages.

Mr. Dunn told the Worldly Roman that his goal for language study is not only about becoming proficient at a language. He believes that language study at Latin will help students become better global citizens because it will “enhance their vision of where they belong in the world and they become part of a more open and global society where they can be more comfortable with one another”. According to Mr. Dunn, ultimately, the benefit extends to Latin graduates being broader in their thinking because they are comfortable in a different culture. Mr. Dunn revealed that he recently sat in on a lower school Spanish class and was impressed with how even the youngest students at Latin are exposed to other languages.

With regard to the language department, Mr. Dunn wants to continue with a more immersive curriculum and to create “more experiential opportunity for kids to use the languages that they are learning.” Mr. Dunn said that it will also be important for the language department to focus on new technology and how it can enhance language learning at Latin.
Mr. Dunn would not commit to whether the language department would expand beyond the number of languages presently offered, but he did say that he found the Albuquerque Academy language model very intriguing. In that program, high school students can choose from a greater variety of languages, including Russian and Arabic. He believes that because this model exposes students to more languages and cultures, it empowers students’ creativity.

As for the Worldly Roman, Mr. Dunn believes the newspaper will compliment his efforts to have students gain more exposure to the world outside the classroom and to put learning in a context that is useful, fun and fulfilling. Mr. Dunn noted: “the more we can do in terms of expanding exposure to different languages in the education environment, the better we will be serving students at Latin.” He thinks the Worldly Roman will be a great way for students to use their target language in a new way by reading the paper and even showing their mastery of a second language by writing articles in the language they are studying at Latin.

Mr. Dunn is a champion of global citizenship and during his time as the Head of School we have witnessed the School’s commitment to languages and the study of other cultures grow. Under his leadership, Latin students will become better global citizens, that means you, Worldly Romans!

-Natalie Braun (Junior)

Las Ventajas de Hablar Otra Idioma

Gabrielle Smithson describes the advantages of learning languages.

Las ventajas de hablar una otra idioma son muy simples, se puede comunicar con los nativos, leer las señales y recibir cumplidos de como habla la lengua. Pero sabes que hay muchas mas ventajas que esas? Por ejemplo, hay un enfermedad muy mal que se llama “Alzheimer’s Disease.” La gente con ese dolencia pierde su memoria pero si habla mas que una idioma puede evitarla. Quien no lo quiere ¡la cura es tan simple aprende mas lenguas! Además, cuando hablas muchas idiomas tienes el sentimiento de logro. A aprender lenguas es una cosa difícil. Pero si pudieras sufrir un poquito los beneficios valdría la pena. Entonces, debes aprender muchas idiomas para ti, para tu salud, para las ventajas cuando viajas pero mas que todo para ser cumplido.

-Gabrielle Smithson (Junior)

Letter from the Editor

Hello Romans!

Bienvenue à la première édition du Worldly Roman!
Bienvenidos a la primera edición de la Worldly Roman!
Lorem primo editione Worldly Roman!
Welcome to the first edition of the Worldly Roman!

The Latin community extends far beyond the boundaries of Chicago, Illinois and even the United States. Every aspect of our student lives –from what we study, the sports we play and watch, the food we eat, our political and social interests and to name a few– are international in scope and nature. In simple words we live in an interconnected world – we are part of a global community. The time is right for us to launch Latin’s first global newspaper, The Worldly Roman.

In this exciting premier edition, you will find many interesting articles about Australian Handball, service, travel, and an interview with Mr. Dunn. Future issues of the Worldly Roman will feature similar articles, stories, interviews and recipes.

Our mission is to provide an outlet for members of the Latin community to express themselves in various languages on a broad range of topics. We welcome you to submit articles in French, Spanish, Latin or Chinese for our next edition.

Happy Reading,
Bonne Lecture,
Feliz Lectura,
Lectio beata,
Natalie Braun, Editor –in-Chief

Entrevista con Senorita Resendiz

Senorita Resendiz is a new Spanish teacher at Latin and was interviewed by Junior, Yulissa Arroyo. She grew up in the Chicagoland area and has strong ties with the University of Illinois in Chicago. During a summer in Spain, she experienced all sorts of mishaps and had a difficult time, but the Spanish people with her helped her and she befriended them. If she knew she only had a few days to live, she would spend a day crying, two days with her family and one day doing crazy things like skydiving. On the last day, she would write her autobiography and reflect on her life. Senorita Resendiz is an interesting person. She has traveled around parts of the Spanish-speaking world; she has a dog named Rocky; she likes to shop at Target; and she enjoys reading and exercising. You can find her in the language office if you want to discuss Mexican food, UIC or just talk.

Por si no se han dado cuenta, este año hay una nueva maestra de español, la Señorita Reséndiz. A lo mejor la han visto en Starbucks comprando su bebida favorita, un Tall Mocha Light con crema batida, o tal vez en la cafetería, donde yo tuve la oportunidad de entrevistarla.

Ms. Reséndiz viene de la escuela de Justicia Social en el barrio de La Villita. Pero ella, en realidad la mayoría de su vida, ha vivido en la comunidad de Midway cerca del aeropuerto. Recibió su maestría en la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago. Cuando estaba en la universidad, ayudaba como tutora con los niños y eso la convenció para ser maestra. Pero también trabajó de guía en su escuela, y si no fuera maestra de español le gustaría ser guía de UIC porque le encanta toda la historia detrás de los edificios, el lugar y la oportunidad de hablar con gente diferente.

Cuando ella fue a España un verano, para estudiar, perdieron su equipaje y de suerte tuvo una mochila con ropa para un día. Y por los primeros tres días, no tenía nada y su primer día tuvo que comprar todo lo necesario de nuevo. El segundo día, la maestra se perdió, y no supo cómo, pero encontró su departamento. Y en el tercer día, enojada, estaba hablando en el teléfono con su mamá cuando estaba en la universidad y comenzó a llorar. La Señorita Reséndiz recuerda que ella lloró “como una niña. Los Españoles que estaban ahí se acercaron a mí, hablaron conmigo, me dijeron que estaba bien, y una chica…me [dio ropa y me] dijo ten ponte esta ropa para mañana.” Y después de esta experiencia la maestra se hizo amiga con los que estaban ahí y en ese día, aunque ella era muy tímida, llorando enfrente de extraños la ayudó mucho.

Le pregunté que si tuviera solamente cinco días de vida, que haría con ellos y me dijo que ella ha pensado de eso. Que cree que el primer día se la pasaría llorando porque nada más tendría cuatro días más para vivir. Los otros dos días los pasaría con su familia. Quisiera tener un día donde haría cosas muy raras o locas como ir en un paracaídas. Y el último día para escribir una biografía de su vida y reflexionar sobre la historia de su vida.

Unos datos interesantes son…
– le gustaría aprender y enseñar Italiano
– tiene un perro que quiere mucho que se llama Rocky
– ha viajado a la Ciudad de México y Cancún en México y a varios lugares de España, como Madrid, Segovia, Barcelona, y “por todos lados”, incluyendo un día en Francia
– su tienda favorita es Target
– sus programas de televisión favoritos son How I Met Your Mother y Scandal
– su pasatiempo favorito es leer y hacer ejercicio, especialmente correr
– su disfrace favorito fue de una gitana

Si quieren hablar de comida mexicana, hablar de UIC, o tener una plática con la Señorita Reséndiz, ella está en la oficina de lenguajes. Nuestra plática fue muy linda, compartimos risas y la maestra es muy interesante, amable y recomiendo que tengan una conversación con ella.

-Yulissa Arroyo (Junior)